For all the parents who don't want sex ed to suck for their kids...
Are you ready to have open, honest, and empowering conversations with your children about their body, puberty, sex, relationships, and consent? Welcome to our version of "Better Sex Ed," a transformative event designed to equip parents with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to address topics that might have been uncomfortable for your own parents to discuss.
Learn how to shatter the silence and create an open environment for discussing sensitive topics.
Comprehensive education:
Gain insights into age-appropriate sex education and foster a deeper understanding of your child's development.
Equip your kids with the knowledge they need to make informed, healthy choices in relationships and intimacy.
Communication Skills:
Develop effective communication strategies to maintain trust and engage in meaningful conversations with your children.
Correct Misinformation:
Explore where your own sex ed let you down and gain a better understanding of how to move forward with better education.
Connect with fellow parents and build a supportive community.
Win resources that will help you start important conversations with your kids.
Who should attend?
This event is perfect for parents, guardians, and caregivers who want to create a safe space for their children to learn about and discuss sexuality, relationships, and consent. Whether you have young children or teenagers, this event will provide you with valuable insights and strategies.